Training volume: 2h
Introductory Training for Microsoft Teams up to 25 participants €900
Introductory Training for Microsoft Teams from 26 participants €1,500
- Trainings are recorded for subsequent viewing
- Trainings can be conducted in the environment of the customer if desired
- Training also includes a ‘Questions and Answers’ part
- The training plan is optional and can be adjusted to the needs of the company. Before the training, it is recommended to determine the exact training needs.
Microsoft Teams training plan:
- General recommended settings for Microsoft Teams
- Principles of creating teams and channels in Microsoft Teams
- Teams and channels
- Theme channels, posting, monitoring posts, and managing content
- Working with documents
- Microsoft Teams chat
- Starting a chat
- Managing chat text:
- Design
- Marking as unread
- Copying a link, etc.
- Adding a person to a chat, i.e., group chat
- Adding a topic/name to a chat (for easier finding later)
- Addressing a particular person in a chat with several participants
- Starting a vide/audio call or sharing the screen with chat participants
- Managing chat text:
- Microsoft Teams search
- Microsoft Teams meetings
- Meeting formats
- Planning a meeting
- Changing a meeting
- Conducting a meeting
- Joining a meeting
- Call (including muting a microphone, etc.)
- Video (including switching the camera on and off, blurring the background, etc.)
- Screen sharing
- Additional settings (headphones, external speakers/microphone)
- Opening a chat on the background of a meeting
- Taking notes during a meeting
- Recording a meeting, sharing a recording, etc.
- Management of meeting content after the end of the meeting